980011 A
- 980011 A (2019)
- Anton Bakker (USA)
- Bronze (Blue-Green Patina)
- Size: 8 W x 20 H inch
World-famous sculptor Anton Bakker pivots at the intersection of sculpture and digital technology. His works are made in steel, bronze, and occasionally exhibited as digital displays. His smooth, serpentine structures mesmerize and at once move viewers to question -- how can such perfect symmetry be created from materials so rigid and firm? What’s more, the shapes seem to change as viewers move around them, and the eye discovers new three-dimensional paths in lines, spirals, Mobius strips, optical illusions, fractals, and more.
Growing up in the Netherlands, Bakker had a passion for computer science. At the suggestion of a friend, he met celebrated mathematician and artist Dr. Jacobus “Koos” Verhoeff. This chance meeting over a shared passion for technology ended up turning into forty years of artistic partnership. Working in tandem, Bakker and Koos dove into the digital possibilities of complex molecular shapes. Dr. Koos happened to professionally know and personally counsel the master artist M.C. Escher in mathematics––a critical connection that ultimately injected the spirit of Escher into Bakker’s work.