large gramophone music player with record vinyl and wren blue bird sitting on it with big gold speaker and rainbow paint splatters coimng out on white background
large gramophone music player with record vinyl and wren blue bird sitting on it with big gold speaker and rainbow paint splatters coimng out on white background
large gramophone music player with record vinyl and wren blue bird sitting on it with big gold speaker and rainbow paint splatters coimng out on white background
large gramophone music player with record vinyl and wren blue bird sitting on it with big gold speaker and rainbow paint splatters coimng out on white background

Royal Wren Rhythms


  • Royal Wren Rhythms
  • Ashvin Harrison (Australia)
  • Coconut charcoal dust and acrylic on canvas, original 
  • Size: 72"W x 48"H 

Working with charcoal dust powder, acrylic, and oil, Ashvin Harrison’s contemporary artistic style is so musical that his figures almost literally dance off the canvas. Harrison has come to be known worldwide for his integration of contrasting mediums. The painter begins with the soft, sultry subtlety of brushed charcoal to create sensual, hyper-realistic figures with digital-like precision in black and white -- dancers, hummingbirds, planets, trees, and musical instruments to name the most iconic. From there, Ashvin splatters and paints this initial charcoal with many layers of color, creating a mystical chorus of beauty, sensation, and light.