Robert Szot


“A painting, at its core, is a creative act of the individual. All other concerns, whether it be technique or talent, are secondary to your own voice and commitment to your unique vision.”

--Robert Szot, painter

American abstract painter Robert Szot (b. 1976) crafts his paintings without preconceived notions or strict plans – he follows the work where it takes him, allowing the spontaneity of color and composition to guide his creative process. Working with oil paint, metal leaf and charcoal on linen canvas, Szot’s abstract contemporary artwork invites the viewer into ethereal realms. The artist’s layer upon layer of soft, silky color appear mineralized and majestically earthy, stirring feelings of awe, wonder, and infinite possibility. The glorious abstraction of color that is this artist’s signature style, exhilarates and calms the viewer at the same time.

Szot’s intuitive color choices reject historical color theory, and embrace his own, totally unique creation of an inherently dynamic, formless space imbued with exactly the right balance color. The artist’s study of color and line, the smudged pastels, and the ink interwoven throughout  create a rare and intimate closeness between viewer, artist, and object. Taken together, Szot’s body of paintings and mixed media paperwork highlight the achievements of an artist dedicated to his craft, one diligently moving forward with purpose, albeit often into the unknown.  

Szot’s body of work encompasses both paintings and mixed media works on paper, highlighting an artist passionately devoted to his craft, boldly exploring new artistic frontiers. Self-taught and unwavering in his pursuit of artistic purity, Szot has exhibited his work in galleries across the United States, from New York to Los Angeles and Texas. His paintings have been featured in prestigious venues such as the Saatchi Gallery in London and, in 2014, he participated in the Whitney Museum Art Party. His pieces are part of esteemed public collections, including Credit Suisse, as well as many private collections worldwide.

Large scale oil paintings on canvas by Robert Szot will arrive at Morton Contemporary in September 2024. Presently, we have a gorgeous collection of the artist's work on paper, elegantly framed under museum grade glass. Please email owner to receive the collector's catalog when the new body of work arrives  -- 


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